February 2018

personal loan or balance transfer for consolidating debt

Personal loan or balance transfer: Which is better for consolidating debt?

Personal Loan Vs. Balance Transfer

If you’re suffocating under a mountain of debt, you might be wondering if consolidating debt could help your situation. Indeed, debt consolidation can be a great way to cut your interest expenses and reduce the number of bills you’re paying. It can also help you create a roadmap to get out of debt. But is a personal loan or balance transfer credit card better for debt consolidation? …

man making personal loan payments

What if you can’t make your personal loan payments?

Many people turn to personal loans when they need a fresh injection of cash. Such loans can be used to fund a home repair, or to pay off credit card debt. But it is easy to fall behind on personal loan payments. And if that happens, you might end up in a tough spot, says Michael Bovee, founder of Consumer Recovery Network, an organization that helps people manage their debt. …

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